Project Description
Your Own Personal Fitness Trainer
Reclaim the Real You
Class Cost: $40/hr
Take the thinking out of exercise with Tammy Zirk, the Zirkops Fitness Trainer. Tammy takes the guesswork out of fitness with exercise and nutritional plans designed for your particular situation. Because she is certified as a specialist in sports nutrition and as a personal fitness trainer, you have an expert to guide you through every aspect of reaching your fitness and health goals.
Sign Up For:
Personal Weight Training
Targeted Cardio Routines
Proven Hit Workouts
Creative Crossfit Styles
Progress, Variety, Fun
Re-energize, Re-connect and Re-focus
Inside everyone there is a spark just waiting to be lit.
Sometimes you just need a little motivation to get you pointed in the right direction. The Zirkops Personal Fitness Trainer shows you how to forge your strength and inner athlete. Celebrate your strength and reclaim the real you with a custom plan designed just for you.
You have the power to reach your goals … it’s just a matter of knowing what to do. Zirkops Personal Fitness students achieve fitness goals through integrative nutritional, exercise and mental conditioning to sculpt bodies naturally and safely.
Structured based on your needs, tailored for what you want, and built around your lifestyle.
All classes are handicapped-accessible and offer valuable techniques for every student.